First week of the school holidays are over, i've spent the majority of my time with Lexx. We've just been hanging out at my house being stupid and whatnot. Josh's sister got married this week :D perfect weather for it too, he said the wedding was pretty good (he was bestman, lucky guy :P). This week sometime I plan on going on a trip with Nakkari & Cabel which should be pretty exciting (yay roadtrip!). Only problem is that i've been tasked with organizing when and where we go and i'm pretty crap at organizing things, no less organizing a trip somewhere. I've never really looked into places to go or accommodation or anything so that should be an interesting thing to do, especially trying to find accommodation at short notice. A friend suggested that maybe we can go camping, although I don't have a terrible amount of space in my car lol
Things I planned for these holidays:
* Chill at Aaron/Reubens place (need to see you guys more :P)
* Learn reverse engineering (bah, i'll never get around to that one)
* Roadtrip (decisions, decisions)
* Look for a job
* Take the A+ exam (don't know about money or if i'm even ready for it)
* Catchup with some people I don't normally see (doesn't look like I have time, oh well :P)
I think I had some other stuff in mind but I can't remember any of it so, whatever.
To elaborate on some of those points, Reverse engineering has always seemed pretty interesting to me but i've never bothered to get to it as it seems time consuming and heavily math based and i'm no good at math so I always procrastinate it and say i'll do it on the holidays :P
Taking the A+ exam is somewhat vital to my future employment but I believe there are 2 exams you need to sit to get it and they each cost $300 to take so I wouldn't want to fail one and have to pay more :x
Looking for a job is something i've been meaning to do but keep putting off because I don't really know what I want to do. It's kind of got to the stage where it doesn't matter what i'm doing, as long as they pay me though so i'll just take anything I can get accepted into.