Monday, January 12, 2009

Traded Mice Today

My Logitech G5 has been screwing up on my computer. For some reason it just loses power randomly and then a few moments later it will get power again and make the re-added hardware sound (it doesnt move when it loses power obviously :P), this makes it nigh impossible to game or even use the computer effectively so i've been using a crappy (Logitech) notebook wireless usb mouse.

Anyway, Michael Smith was over my place the other day and I got him to use my mouse and I was using his G5 (he has the newer revision with the blue pattern on the back and the extra side button) and it worked perfectly on my computer, I kicked some ass on Quake Live using it too :P

Anyway, since my mouse works fine on Michaels computer and on my media center pc I decided to trade mice with Josh Bond, now I have his MX510 and he has my G5. The MX510 isn't quite as good as the G5 but it's still a pretty good mouse :P Beats the hell out of a wireless mouse. I haven't played any FPS after getting it though so i'll have to try it out on Quake Live or something.

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