Friday, November 12, 2004

pedantic fails?

Simon's Current Winamp Song >>> Weird Al Yankovich - Ebay - says:
so ummmmmmm pedantic
.//Alias.Zero says:
i am unfamilar with the word pedantic. Maybe you mean "pandemic" that games company who brang the stuff
Simon's Current Winamp Song >>> Moby - Porcelain says:
Simon's Current Winamp Song >>> Moby - Porcelain says:
i cant spel
.//Alias.Zero says:
Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules

haha you love books
Simon's Current Winamp Song >>> Moby - Porcelain says:
as u can c
.//Alias.Zero says:
wait a sec wtf does ostentatious mean
.//Alias.Zero says:
Characterized by or given to ostentation; pretentious.
.//Alias.Zero says:
so much clearer now
Simon's Current Winamp Song >>> Moby - Porcelain says:
.//Alias.Zero says:
Pretentious display meant to impress others; boastful showiness.
.//Alias.Zero says:
oh yes im sure boasting about book loving is going to impress the ladies
Simon's Current Winamp Song >>> Moby - Porcelain says:
yeah dam right
.//Alias.Zero says:
pedantic is the worst word anyone could possibly think of

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